What I Learned From Two Amazing Latinos: Elianne Ramos and Oscar Hernandez.

I am very lucky to have met many inspiring people in my life, and when I say this I am including friends who lift my spirit, but this past Sunday, I had the opportunity to talk to two public figures who I admire a lot. 

Let me go back a little and explain that a couple of months ago, I was invited by my friend Lori Ness of  "Northwest Prime" to co-host one of the shows on her blog-talk online radio. She said she wanted us to interview Latinos who are role models in our community. I said yes; of course, and when I started thinking about names to bring to the show my mind started going crazy!  

I decided to invite two very powerful figures from two different worlds. Three time Grammy award winner Oscar Hernandez, pianist, band director, and musical director of great artists like Rubén Blades; and Elianne Ramos, vice-chair and queen of the Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) and a very successful business owner. 

I will not go into the details of what they shared during their interview because I would like you to listen to it but, I do want to say that they mentioned two words that got stuck in my head: "perseverance" and "mentors." Because I do believe those two ingredients are the key on our road to our success, to have great mentors and to not surrender.

I now invite you to listen to our interview and to please share your thoughts on it!


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