On the Boards Brings CINEASTAS, A Latino Play to Seattle! January 29th - 31st (Sponsored)

It's 2015, and I am super excited  to see that On the Boards is bringing another play by a Latino writer to Seattle! The play this year is "Cineastas" by Mariano Pensotti.

First, let's remember a little about the Latino plays that On the Boards has brought to Seattle in the past two years. 

The first one I went to see was "Amarillo" by Teatro Línea de Sombra. Amarillo is a thought provoking play around the subject of immigration, and the reality of what happens when someone undertakes the dangerous journey between the two countries. 

The second play was "El Año en que Nací (The Year I Was Born)" by Lola Arias. Another amazing production about eleven Chileans born during the reign of Pinochet where they wonder about their parents' lives and start reconstructing them using letters, old clothes, hazy memories, and music, in their attempt to better understand their past, their present, and their future. 

This year, is Cineastas turn to make us wonder about these two, simple, yet important questions: Does art influence life? Or is it the other way around?

"Cineastas resulted from a series of interviews conducted by Pensotti with the many filmmakers working in the booming Buenos Aires film scene. Especially curious about how
personal circumstances affected their work and vice versa, Pensotti expanded the piece into
a completely fictionalized account where reality and fiction merge completely.

Pensotti ingeniously adapts cinematic techniques – voice-over, fades, panoramic long takes – for the stage, resulting in an intricate portrait of a city, its inhabitants, and a specific epoch. Pensotti ingeniously adapts cinematic techniques – voice-over, fades, panoramic long takes – for the stage, resulting in an intricate portrait of a city, its inhabitants, and a specific epoch." - On the Boards Press Release. 

So, if you are into theater, and film, this is a play that you need to see, and fortunately, I have a fantastic deal for you, my readers! 

OtB and Patty’s Utopia would like to offer a 2 for 1 ticket offer for Mariano Pensotti’s Cineastas. Tickets are $23 general admission and $25 week of show. Offer good as long as tickets are available. To redeem the ticket offer, call the OtB box office at 206.217.9888, Tuesday through Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and mention “Patty’s Utopia.” 

I know that many of you will not pass this opportunity to support great theater, and Latino artists! 

About the writer:
Mariano Pensotti is a director, writer, and filmmaker based in Argentina. He is becoming known worldwide for his singular set design, site-specific performances, beautiful and honest writing, and depictions of the “lost generation” in South America. Pensotti last visited OtB with 2012’s El pasado es un animal grotesco

Preview of Cineastas.
