Can My Business Help My Community? You Bet!

One of the things I am very passionate about, besides music, is getting involved in my community especially when it comes to the subject of education. When the company was founded, I did it with the dream of working on projects that could support my community.  After a lot of work and persistence, we have been able to do it, although it hasn’t been easy.

Because I am a business owner, there are moments when I panic, specially when not many projects come our way, but before taking any job just for the financial remuneration, I would rather starve… well maybe not starve literally, but you get the idea of how important it is for me to stay true to my values.

One of the current projects I’m very happy about is being part of video production team for an elementary school. The principal of this school noticed that every time they sent the school's policies and rules to the students’ homes, most parents would not read them, and those papers would end up most likely in the trash can. One day during a parents' meeting a video was played and the principal noticed that everyone was paid close attention to it. That’s when the idea of having a professional video narrating a day at his elementary school, came to this principal's mind.

When I was told about this idea I got very excited but then I was also asked to produce the video and the excitement became an incredible joy! I couldn’t contain my emotion. I almost immediately said: "YES!” 

Right away I started thinking about the benefits the Latino parents would also have from this idea. There are many Latino parents who are learning the English language, but the school terminology can be difficult to understand if you are not familiar with it. This video would give these parents a visual idea of how their children’s school works. They will learn from where to drop off/pick up their kids, to the explanation of rules/guidelines during recess

I am very excited and I can hardly wait to see the final results. In the mean time, I’d like to share with you a little preview of this fun, and rewarding project.


  1. This is wonderful! Congrats! I definitely believe in the power of ´doing well why doing good´!


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